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Izolda Chiladze


The purpose of the article is to study the development perspectives of the sericulture in Georgia. The subject of research is the silkworm culture in Georgia. The study uses historical and statistical analysis methods.

Silk is an integral part of Georgian history. It was located on the way to the Great Silk Road, and as-yet in the15th century BC, the silk worm's seed and silk cocoon were exporting to foreign countries. But, for reason the constant attacks of hostile countries, the sericulture was often hindered in Georgia. In the twentieth century, sericulture was a massive employment for the Georgian population and an important source of monetary revenue.

In the 60s of the last century, 4.0-4,4 thousand tons of cocoon was produced in Georgia and the money income was 15.5-16,5 million rubles. Silk cocoon production was employed by 100-120 thousand households, and 5-6 thousand men in the silk industry. Unfortunately, at this time the mulberry disease, which destroyed about 15 million plants, made the silk cocoon catastrophically fell. Herewith, as a result of the political events that took place after the announcement of independence of Georgia, getting silk cocoon was completely stopped from 2002.

As a result of the research, the Georgian Agricultural Research Center, Silk Museum of Georgia, and the Ministry of Sustainable Development of Georgia are currently working on the programs the restoration of the gene pool of the mulberry and silkworm in Georgia, but the sericulture industry is stopped still in Georgia. No attempts are currently underway to make an investment in renewing industry of sericulture. Mean while the demand and price for silk products on the world market are growing. For example, the price of the 1 kg silk rough thread is 58-55 dollars.

Thus, the death of the silk industry is a big irresponsibility for the government of Georgia. Rehabilitation of the sericulture industry is necessary, which requires greater support from the government. In the silkworm production should be actively involved the farming industry, which will also promote the strengthening of the village. The serious challenges are ecological threats and the government needs very active and very thoughtful actions.

For rehabilitation of sericulture in Georgia is necessery:

Must be created a state plan for rehabilitation of sericulture in Georgia;

The preference should be given to silk production by the families;

 The Government of Georgia shall provide financial support for the development of the Silk State Museum and the Scientific Institute of the Sericulture;

Private business and commercial banks to fund the population with the new varieties of mulberry plantation within the frames of  the social responsipility programs.

To minimize risks of the spread outbreak diseases of mulberry trees and silk worm;

It is necessary to establish a new modern system of education of the sericuture industry.

Implementation of this recommendations in Georgia will facilitate the development of the sericulture and in the future it will be able to bring the foreign currency 

        Keywords: Sericulture; silk seed; silkworm; silk cocoon; mulberry plantation; silk rough thread.